Your time is precious and social media can be a real time suck, right?
So how do you take the time you have and spend it wisely?
You start by choosing the right platform. Let's narrow it down.
Your Zone Of Genius
Choosing the right platform depends on two things;
1. Where your target audience is spending their time.
2. Your communication strengths.
We all have a natural communication strength. Some of us are great writers, some of us were born to be on video. This is what we call your communication zone of genius. The key is to uncover what that zone of genius is and use it.
We are taught from a young age to spend our time improving what we are bad at. But if we put our time into improving what we are already good at, wouldn't that make more sense?
If you're a writer who hates being on camera, forcing yourself into a Facebook Live every week will be painful for you AND your audience. You need to be able to show up consistently with confidence and as an expert people can trust.
Go where you feel in flow.

Choose Your Weapon: The 4 Communication Types
Which one are you?
The Writer
You have a way with words and you're not afraid to use them!
Your Communication Strength is writing
Action Step: Write a blog, and from that, write mini blog posts for Instagram & Facebook. You'd be great at posting witty remarks or meaningful quotes on Twitter too.
Your Social Media Presence as The Writer
This will be your long form SEO content. From each blog you will be able to create content for;
The Talker
You're great at explaining things and you come alive when you're in front of the camera.
Your Communication Strength is video.
Action Step: Start a YouTube channel and use IGTV to tease out snippets of your longer form content. Go live regularly to connect with your audience.
Your Social Media Presence as the Talker
This will be your long form SEO content. From each video you will be able to create content for;
-Instagram (OGTV & LIVES)
-Facebook (Post Your IGTV on Facebook too and go Live)
The Conversationalist
You love nothing more than a good conversation. You love to get deep into topics and really get your teeth into concepts. Learning through conversation feels natural to you.
Your Communication Strength is audio.
Action Step: Create a podcast. You're a natural born podcaster! The world needs to hear the conversations that are already happening in your head! You can use Twitter to sprinkle witty and informative highlights of your episodes to a wider audience. Quote pictures would work well for you too on Instagram and Facebook.
Your Social Media Presence as the Conversationalist
This will be your long form SEO content. From each episode you will be able to create content for;
The Visualist
You have an eye for beauty. When you take a photo of something it just stands out. You have a natural ability to see the shot coming together before your camera is even poised.
Your Communication Strength is photography.
Action Step: Post on Pinterest and Instagram, and sharing those images to Facebook will do well too. Your images will stop the scroll and have people coming back for more.
Your Social Media Presence as the Visualist
This will be your SEO content. From each Pin you can send traffic to your website or to;
How Instagram Stories Works For All Communication Types
Instagram stories is a magical corner of the internet where anyone can flourish no matter where their communication strength lies.
Instagram stories have features for all the communication types mentioned above
- They have their Type Stories for the writers.
- They have the Hands-Free and LIVE Video Stories for the talkers.
- They have Audio Story Tools, including voice and music, for the conversationalists.
- They have Normal, Boomerang, Layout and Superzoom Stories for the visualists.
WHO Are You Talking To - The second piece of the puzzle
Now that you know your communication zone of genius, you have some options.
But, if you are a one person operation you may struggle to have presence across several social media channels.
And there is no point posting great content on a platform that your ideal client isn't spending time on.
So ask yourself who is your ideal client and find out where are they spending their time online.
If you are a writer and you find your client is only present on Facebook and Instagram, then maybe you can ditch Twitter for now.
How To Find Out Which Platforms Your Ideal Client Is On
Ask them! Get on the phone with some past or present clients or even friends or friends of friends and ask them where do they spend most of their time online
Do the research yourself passively. Go on to Facebook and search for groups on your niche. Do they exist? Are they active? You'll get your answers pretty quickly by hanging out on those platforms and seeking out your perfect audience.
To Recap (screenshot this to remind yourself!)
Being you really pays off.
You can't be on every platform, especially if you don't have staff yet.
No matter what your communication strength there is a social media platform that is perfect for you.
Instagram Stories caters to every communication strength.
Pay attention to what you are good at and mix that with where your audience are most comfortable hanging out online and you social media will become way easier for you and will get you the results you want.
Post where your audience is already spending time.
If you're looking for one to one support on growing your business on social media
you can apply for my 12 week program.
I'm now taking people to work with me on a one to one basis
to overcome social media obstacles and grow your business online.
Interested in working together?