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What Is A Brand & Why Do You Need One

When people think of branding they usually think about colours, fonts, logos and visuals. They think of the Coca Cola logo or Disney symbol. And while these are important parts of branding, they are only part of it.

A brand is a feeling, it's an essence and a story. When I say 'Disney' an image and a feeling and maybe even a memory comes to mind, right?

Jeff Bezos described a brand as "what other people say about you when you're not in the room”.

But it's not just for the giant companies. Your brand as a service business is the reason why people will choose to work with you over someone else.

You Already Have A Brand

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If you have a presence on social media, you have already begun creating a brand.

It's the style of your images, the filters you use and the way you write your captions.

Even if you haven't yet sat down and decided on what your brand is and isn't, it's likely that your own personal beliefs and style are coming through in your content and creating a brand.

By recognising that, and applying a strategy to it you can really impact the growth of your business and turn followers into clients.

The 3 Components Of Your Personal Brand

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Branding is a big topic. In fact, it's a whole module inside my program, Online Business Accelerator! But for the purpose of this blog I am going to simplify it for you into three elements so that you can start to implement shifts towards a stronger personal brand image.

1. Your Brand Values

Define what you and your brand do and do not stand for. It's important to put some thought into this and then let it lead your content creation and how you show up online.

For example, if one of your brand values is positivity that will shape how you show up. Even when times are tough and you speak with an authentic voice, your value of positivity will always be central to your presence. This is powerful, and by allowing your core values to guide your actions, you will strengthen your message and your brand.

Action Step: pick 3 core values to guide your presence and create your brand.

2. Your Brand Feeling

This is closely linked to your values but it's from the viewpoint of others. How do you want other people to feel when they come in contact with your brand? If we take positivity as an example again you want to make sure that when people come in contact with you on social media and on your website, they feel that positivity. This is done through how you deliver your content in terms of the visuals you use and the words you choose. For example, a positive brand would not use harsh colours and negative language.

Action Step: choose 3 feelings that you want to give off from your content and presence.

3. Your Brand Style

This is the representation of your brand values and feelings. Now that you have your values and feelings in mind, look for colours, fonts, filters and language that represents them.

For example, I wanted my brand to be positive, simple and empowering, so I chose yellow, white and black as my brand colours.

You may need to do a little research on colours and what mean so that you can pick the right ones for your brand.


Action Step: choose your brand colours, fonts and visuals in line with your core values and feelings.

Your Personal Brand

Is A Representation Of Who You Are

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A personal brand is a strategic representation of who you are as a person.

It's the parts of yourself that you have chosen to represent your business.

This doesn't mean that you have to be your personal brand. But it does mean that you need to define what your personal brand is and what it is not, and stick to that.

This is where boundaries come in between what is your personal life and what is your personal brand.

If your brand is positivity and you go through something really difficult, it doesn't mean that you have to put a positive spin on everything, it just means that you don't have to share everything. At least not until you are ready.

As I said, one of my brand values is positivity. At the start of this year I suffered a great personal loss. But I didn't have to go on social media and put a positive spin on it. I took a break, dealt with it in my own way, privately and when I was ready to talk about it I did, in an authentic way that felt right with my brand, and with me.

Boundaries are important on social media. Both for the sake of your brand and for the sake of your own wellbeing.

You don't have to share everything. And you don't have to make every part of your life fit your brand. You choose what your brand is and then you choose what parts of your life you want to share as a brand.

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